In order to print the brochure as a book, i needed to reorder the pages so that they can be bound in the middle fold and be read in the correct order. Before i started to reorder the pages, i firstly wrote a plan of which pages needed to be on the same spreads. Below is the list that i wrote down as a reference. I also made a mini template which recreated the brochure pages in order - this gives me a visual reference to check the pages are in the right order; if they match the template then they will be printed correctly. The images below show these references (they probably don't make much sense to you as it was my personal workings out!)
I will present my file to the printers as a PDF with the crop and bleed marks present so that i know where to trim the pages once printed. For example:
Each page is double sided so i have worked out that the cover will fit onto 1 sheet of A1, and the bulk of the brochure (pages) will fit onto 10 sheets of A2. I have also added a 4mm spine to the front cover so that the cover will fit around the pages inside.
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