Website designs- Hannah Betts

Website layouts

For the website i need to think about how the customer will use the website, maximising sales and drawing attention to things, using the same theme as the packaging and other applications of the branding, using the earthy colours and textures and keeping the same type and styling throughout, creating a dirty, clean theme which the client wants, yet trying to make it stand out from the competitors.

I looked at the competitors websites and analysed how they worked, thinking of our easy they where to find what you wanted to see, and if they keep your attention and wether they appeal for the target audience in styling and colours.

These are the layout ideas, for the different web pages that i will be doing, looking at how i will use web banners, and how i will layout posters and photo to best display the products with the other advertisings.

initials ideas, layout ideas, how customers will use it, placing for logos, and the informations needed in the website, the type face and colours that will be used.


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