Campaign- Sarah and Jade

Strap line: "Life changing clothing."

Scott informed use that Mark wanted to keep the exsiting srapline or use "Fashioning hope" unless we came up with something better. "life changing clothing" fitted well with our campain ideas and it fits the tone of voice.

Our ownable thing is a silhouette that will be carried through each media application. We are covering various media:

We are going to create a range of posters, and we will be ahowing ho these could be implamented with a larger budget.


We have a range of out there idea's

Unusual P.O.S

Life size cutouts

Logo floor cleaning

In-shop tv ad

Bag ad's

Sticker lables (storey)

A web banner, and an interactive wed ad.

Photobooth that will upload images straight to facebook and a community facebook event.

We may develope an idea for an app that links with the in-shop tv ad.


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